Job Searching During a Global Pandemic
With the specter of COVID-19 lurking around every in-person interaction, the prospect of finding a job seems bleak. Many companies are moving to remote work, instituting hiring freezes, and even making tough decisions about furloughs or lay-offs; it’s easy to think that it will be impossible to find a job when taking all that into consideration. So what does this mean for your job search? Do you need to give up on finding your dream job in 2020?
In short – no.
Even if it may seem challenging, don’t give up on getting your career started or taking your next step.
Just because some companies are on hold doesn’t mean your search has to be – afterall, being active in your job search is more than applying to open positions! Here are some tips that will help you stay on top of your job search so that you’re ready to go when your future employer is hiring.
1. Update your resume or LinkedIn profile
If it’s been awhile since you’ve made any changes/updates to your resume or LinkedIn profile, now is the time!
2. Keep up on what is happening in the job market
Not every company will be affected in the same way. There are a lot of great organizations out there that are still hiring and can have some great opportunities for you. Take a look at what industries are considered “essential” and focus your search there.
3. Send out your resume
While a lot of companies aren’t quick to respond to every application right now, it’s still good to put your name out there. When their hiring team gets back into reviewing resumes, you’ll already be in their system ready to go.
4. Don’t be afraid to build a network online
Many networking groups are switching gears to offer virtual opportunities for connection. There are dozens of networking groups for every type of personality and industry – take some time to learn about which ones might be a fit for you and then join one!
5. Be prepared for video interviews
Meeting employers over the internet vs in-person definitely takes some getting used to! Taking the time to practice interviewing on camera will let you feel more comfortable with the interview format and let you find the right interviewing space in advance. If you’ve never done this type of interviewing before, click here to grab more tips.
6. Be patient!
If you don’t hear back right away on jobs you’ve applied for, know that companies are doing their best in a difficult time. COVID-19 has made a huge impact on a lot of companies and it might take them some time for them to get adjusted. Do your best to be patient and remember that showing kindness and respect to the hiring team as they get back to you will go a long way.
Being in the job search is stressful during the best of times and entering it in the midst of a global pandemic is definitely not the best of times. We’re here to make things a little bit easier – click here to let us know how we can help.