How To Write Job Descriptions That Get Recent Grads To Apply
Hiring for an open role is stressful, but when nobody applies… It's infuriating. Here are 5 helpful tips to get more recent grads to apply to your jobs
Marcus Matz
February 16th, 2023
Marcus Matz is a seasoned recruiting professional with 12+ years of experience in helping companies attract and retain talent. He helps people navigate the recruiting process through tips, tricks, and industry insights gained from years of working with job seekers.
Hiring recent college graduates can be a great way for companies to inject fresh talent and new perspectives into their workforce. However, creating job descriptions that appeal to recent college graduates can be challenging. In this article, we'll explore some tips for creating job descriptions that are more likely to attract recent college graduates.

1. Use clear and concise language
When writing job descriptions, it's important to use clear and concise language that is easy for recent college graduates to understand, Avoid using industry jargon or overly complex language that may be confusing to someone who us just starting their career. Use bullet points and short sentences to make the job requirements and responsibilities easy to digest.
2. Highlight growth opportunities
Recent college graduates are often looking for opportunities to grow and develop their skills. In your job descriptions, highlight opportunities for professional development and advancement within the company. Mention any training programs, mentoring opportunities, or potential for upward mobility within the organization.
3. Emphasize company culture
Many recent college graduates prioritize company culture when considering potential job opportunities. In your job descriptions, describe your company's culture and values. Highlight any employee perks or benefits that may be particularly appealing to recant college graduates, such as flexible work arrangements, wellness programs, or community outreach initiatives.

4. Provide regular feedback and communication: Be specific about the job requirements
When listing the job requirements, be specific about the skills and experience needed for the position. However, don't create overly restrictive requirements that may deter recent college graduates from applying. Consider listing "preferred" qualifications in addition to "required" qualifications, and be open to considering candidates who may not meet all of the preferred qualifications.
5. Use social media to promote job openings
Recent college graduates are often active on social media, so consider using social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook to promote job openings. Use hashtags and targeted ads to reeach recent graduates who may not be interested in your job opportunities. Consider partnering with college career canters or alumni associations to reach a wider audience.
In conclusion, creating job descriptions that appeal to recent college graduates requires a thoughtful and strategic approach. By using clear and concise language, highlighting growth opportunities and company culture, being specific about job requirements, and using social media to promote job openings, companies can attract and retain top talent from the pool of recent college graduates.