Crafting Your Career Path: Core Values
October 4th, 2023
At Katapult Network, we understand that people are more than just a resume and jobs are more than just a list of tasks. We're a recruiting company that takes a human-focused approach to the job search where we're able to match college graduates with entry-level, professional jobs. Whether you're a job-seeker looking to start your professional career or a hiring manger seeking to build your future leadership at the entry-level, we're excited to be your partner in navigating the search process.
Embarking on a job search can be both exhilarating and daunting. However, understanding and aligning with your core values can serve as a compass, guiding you toward a career that is not only professionally rewarding but also personally fulfilling. In this article, we'll explore the process of discovering your core values and shed light on how these values can shape your job search journey.
1. Self-Reflection- The Gateway to Core Values:
Start your journey by taking a moment for some genuine self-reflection. Dive into your personal experiences, recall those fulfilling moments that left a mark on your soul. Grab a pen and jot them down on paper – the act of putting it in writing helps you visualize and peel back the layers, revealing those core values that might be hiding just beneath the surface. This simple yet powerful exercise lays the groundwork for understanding what truly matters to you.
2. Identifying Key Themes:
Now, take a closer look at what you've reflected upon and spot those recurring themes or patterns. Ask yourself: What stood out as the most meaningful aspects in those scenarios? Dive into the details and jot down a list of at least 10 keywords that capture the essence. Think of words like Honesty, Kindness, Accountability, Achievement, and Balance. These key terms act like signposts guiding you toward a clearer understanding of your core values.
3. Prioritizing Values:
Awesome job on jotting down your values! Now, let's take it a step further. Make a second list, this time categorizing each value as either a core value (those non-negotiable, soul-deep principles) or a peripheral value (important, but a bit more flexible depending on the situation). This way, you'll have a clearer roadmap for what truly drives you versus what adds a bit of extra flair to your journey.

4. Researching Companies:
Now, let’s dive into the exciting part – company research. Go beyond the job descriptions and really dig in. Explore the company culture, read up on mission statements, and check out employee testimonials. This deep dive will help you figure out if a company aligns with your values, creating a work environment that's more than just a job.
5. Landing the Job:
Keep in mind, the work world isn't always straightforward; sometimes, you have to find that sweet spot when accepting a job offer. Now, when you're in an interview, throw in some of these questions to get a better feel on whether the company's values match up with yours:
1. How would you describe the company culture here?
2. Can you give me an example of how the company supports work-life balance?
3. What steps does the company take to promote diversity and inclusion?
4. How do you handle feedback and employee development?
5. Can you share a bit about the company's mission and long-term goals?
These questions will help you peel back the layers and figure out if this workplace is where you want to bring your A-game.
As you sail through the ups and downs of job hunting, remember your core values—they're your unwavering guide. You've reflected, identified key themes, and categorized your values. Now, dive into company cultures during your research. When landing a job, keep it real—ask questions about culture, work-life balance, and diversity to ensure your values align. Let your values be the compass in this adventure, steering you towards a career that resonates with the real you. Happy job hunting!